Heart with Cross Sterling Silver Slim Profile Ring, Size 8.25
The Men's Jewelry Store (for HER)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.-Jimi Hendrix
Since the beginning of the Christian era, the cross symbol has been an emblem of faith. This beautiful cross is a wonderful remembrance of God's promise to us. This elegant cross is for the person who would like a symbol to assist in remembering the words of Jesus Christ to help make each day a living testament of actions in the small and big moments of life; for the reminder of faith during times of change, and to remember she/he is loved, always, all ways. And, forgiven... all we need to do is ask.
The heart symbolizes an unbreakable connection; it can be romantic love, the love between a parent and a child, love between friends, relatives... there are many different forms of love.
It’s fitting this is finely crafted in silver, since the spiritual meaning of silver symbolizes strength, spirit, grace, divinity, wisdom and purity. This can be worn as a symbol of your faith as your favorite fashion statement. Sterling silver is reflective and mirrors the soul, it is said it brings calm and balance to the wearer. Shaman believe silver gives the wearer protection from negativity and evil; it is known as the metal of love and healing. Sterling Silver is 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper. Copper is silver's best companion since it improves the hardness and durability of silver, yet allows the silver to retain its beautiful color.
The rising price of silver makes this, quite simply, a great investment all around.
FOOTNOTES: Image Enlarged for Detail and May Appear Larger than Actual Size; Make a Template with Measurements to be Sure of Size
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